Hello everyone,
The problem with the update mechanism of our first update is resolved.
This update (build 189) replaces the originally released build 161 and the first update build 178. In addition to the fixes included in build 178, this build fixes the updating bug that prevented some from updating to 178.
The build 178 is essentially a hotfix for a memory leak that could result in a crash when using multiple AVCHD and HDV files in a project. This is the only noteworthy fix contained in this update. We are continuing to work on a more robust update that addresses some long-standing issues as well as improvements to new features. That update will be available in the upcoming weeks.
We are sorry for the inconvenience the updating bug has caused and thank every one for their patience.
Download build 189 now with the help of the following link: http://rdir.magix.net/?page=3WYQO6PGVP3Q
Best regards,